A license plate that says "Greetings from South Carolina, USA. The Palmetto State"

CBD Oil in South Carolina: Is It Legal & Where to Buy

The United States has federal laws, but each individual state has their own legislature and can make their own decisions about a wide range of things, including the legalization of plants, foods, or other substances. We've put together an easy guide to CBD in South Carolina so you know if it's legal and where to buy CBD in South Carolina.

CBD in South Carolina: Things You Should Know

South Carolina, much like other states in our nation, is fast becoming one of the top regions to purchase CBD in the southeast. And thanks to CBD’s growing popularity, the state has a seemingly endless number of CBD stores that residents can choose from. Recently, South Carolina joined Tennessee and a few other southern states in giving residents greater opportunities to purchase hemp-based CBD oil. But, if residents are not finding what they’re looking for in a traditional brick and mortar store, then they also have the option of shopping for CBD oil online from a large selection of reputable brands. 

Is CBD Legal in South Carolina?

The FDA’s 2018 Farm Bill made selling and buying hemp-based CBD legal across the United States as long as it contains 0.3% or less THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Even though this federal law is in place, there are state laws regarding hemp-derived CBD products and marijuana. In South Carolina, all hemp-based CBD oil is legal as long as it comes from industrial hemp. When it comes to marijuana, however, there’s a different story.

Is Marijuana Legal in South Carolina?

Marijuana is medicinally and recreationally illegal in South Carolina. In 2016, the House tried to pass the South Carolina Medical Marijuana Program Act, but the Senate rejected the proposed legislation. If South Carolina residents are caught possessing marijuana in the state for the first time, they can be fined a minimum of $565 and serve up to a month of prison time for having up to an ounce on their person.

In 2014, however, Governor Nikki Haley signed Senate Bill 1035, also known as Julian’s Law, into law. This legislation makes it possible for children with severe epilepsy to have access to limited-THC-content CBD (CBD that contains a THC content of no more than 0.9%). In order to qualify for CBD under Julian’s Law, there are a strict set of criteria that must be met. Interestingly, this same bill also allowed the University of South Carolina to establish a study that looks at the effects of CBD on seizures. Lastly, in South Carolina, lawmakers are currently trying to pass The Compassionate Care Act, a bill that would institute a medical marijuana system that broadens the criteria of Julian’s Law. 

A hand reaching for a bottle of CBD oil next to a laptop, some headphones, and a pencil.

Where to Buy CBD Oil in South Carolina

You can purchase CBD in South Carolina online or in local stores, as the legality of CBD in the state allows for both. However, be sure that your CBD is derived from hemp and not marijuana, or else you'll be standing on dangerous ground. The best way to be sure of what you're getting is to do some research. Whether you're standing in a shop looking at a product and asking questions or reading up on a CBD product online and checking reviews, you'll be happier with your purchase if you check at least the following things:

  • CBD is hemp-derived
  • Hemp is grown in the USA
  • Scan ingredients for fillers or preservatives
  • Hemp is organic (no pesticides, etc)

Buying CBD Online in South Carolina

Buying CBD oil online is a fantastic option for South Carolinians. When you shop online for oil, you can deeply research all of the ingredients that the brand has listed in its products. You can also usually get CBD for a lower price online, since there is no rent and upkeep of a physical building for the store.

Another awesome thing about online CBD shopping is that you can easily access customer reviews and third party lab reports. In shopping for CBD oil, one of the most important things to keep in mind is that you need to be looking for high-quality oil that’s been extracted from organic cannabis plants (hemp) that are also GMO-free, pesticide-free, herbicide-free, and that’s been extracted using the industry preferred CO2 extraction process and third-party lab tested for potency and purity. All of FAB CBD’s full-spectrum oils are clean, potent, tested by an independent lab, and have been extracted using the CO2 method. 

When it comes to shopping for CBD, it’s not something that you should go into lightly. As with any supplement or medication, you need to take whatever time you need to do the proper research. With CBD, not only should you look into the product quality, but you should also do some digging into the brand. When you visit a CBD store, you’ll have the burden of time restraints on you. But, when you shop online stores for hemp oil, you’ll be able to take as much time as you need. The goal here is to have all of your questions and concerns addressed in a way that satisfies you.  

Buying CBD Locally in South Carolina

There are many smoke shops and CBD stores popping up in South Carolina. If you want to know what’s located near you, then doing a brief search for CBD store locations near you will help. If you want to be sure that you’re buying clean, potent, and effective hemp CBD oil from a reputable brand that gets its hemp from responsible organic growers, then you'll likely have to ask some questions and really see what the store employees know about their products. Sometimes this can feel like you're grilling them, but if you're trying to find out if a product is safe and worth your money, then don't be shy.

Some people learn better through conversation and physically holding what they are learning about. If that's you, then going to a store in person seems like it could be a smart move. If, however, your questions aren't answered satisfactorily, then you can go home and do some more online research on whatever brands you found. Then you can make a final decision at home and order those same products online. 

CBD Oil in South Carolina: Online Shops vs Local Stores

When it comes to buying CBD oil, everyone has their own particular preference as to where they purchase it from. While some people prefer to pick up their CBD from a physical location, others would much rather buy it online from a reputable brand. There are advantages to both ways of buying cannabidiol. Brick and mortar stores offer customers the convenience of being able to quickly get their hands on their favorite CBD oil tinctures. They also offer the ease of having the products of multiple brands under one roof. However, when you shop online for CBD oil, not only will you be able to buy CBD from the comfort of your home, but you’ll also be able to have your purchase shipped directly to your doorstep. Secondly, you won’t have the potential for overwhelm or confusion because you can carefully scrutinize one brand at a time on your computer. 

Something else to consider when buying CBD oil from a brick and mortar retailer is that while the store employees can help you to some extent, they may not be able to completely answer all of your questions when it comes to specific products or CBD in general. Buying CBD oil online from a reputable brand affords you the time you need to thoroughly research any brands and products you’re interested in. Additionally, you also may be able to take advantage of any sales, coupon codes, or discount programs the brand is offering. Oftentimes, when visiting a CBD store, you might not be able to tell if the product is of top-quality. 

A bottle of hemp-based CBD oil near a hemp leafWhat to Look for When Buying CBD Oil in South Carolina

The CBD industry has grown exponentially over the past few years. In searching for CBD — whether online or in a store — there are many ways you can safeguard yourself. It all comes down to how well you research and educate yourself on the brand, its products, and CBD in general. Some things you can do to ensure that you’re getting the best quality CBD available for your needs are: 

  • Make sure that the brand has its products routinely tested by a third-party lab - When brands use an independent lab to test its products, they’re conveying to customers that they both care about transparency as well as the ingredients that go into the making of their products. Third-party lab reports test for pesticides, herbicides, solvents, and also confirm the overall cannabinoid, terpene, and phytonutrient levels in individual products. 
  • Be wary of brands that make wild or unreasonable claims - Brands that claim that their products are miracle cures for any ailment shouldn’t be trusted. In fact, you can trust  that they may be trying to make money off of your lack of knowledge. Trust in brands that put forth the facts about their products and do not exaggerate or guarantee long lists of health benefits or eradication of medical conditions.
  • Look for full-spectrum or broad spectrum products - Both of these CBD varieties contain all of the terpenes, cannabinoids, and phytonutrients of the hemp plant, and thus, offer a fuller experience overall. Full-spectrum and broad spectrum evoke the entourage effect. In this phenomenon, the cannabinoids suppress each other’s negative aspects while boosting their positive ones. Additionally, full-spectrum oils contain less than 0.3% THC, which means there’s no way that you can feel a euphoric “high” while taking them, while broad spectrum oils have had all of the THC removed from them. So, if you have concerns about THC in general, or are nervous about a false positive on a drug test, then broad spectrum oils and products are the way to go. Lastly, there are also CBD isolate oil varieties. These types of oils contain only 99% pure CBD, as the rest of the plant components have been filtered out using a special process. While CBD isolate oils are also a great option, they do not contain all of the cannabinoids, terpenes, and phytonutrients that are useful to the body. 
  • Be wary of cheaply priced CBD oils - Just because a CBD oil is priced cheaply doesn’t mean that it’s of superior quality. Sadly, a lot of cheaply priced CBD oils are made by sub-par brands that cut corners in their creation process. It’s worth spending a little more money when you know that you’re getting a clean and potent product from a reputable brand that cares about its customers. 
  • Look for oils that have been extracted through the CO2 extraction method - This method is the industry preferred method and doesn’t use any additional heat that can break down the CBD that’s extracted from the hemp plant. Moreover, CBD that’s obtained through the CO2 extraction process is pure, clean, and potent without any harmful derivatives from solvents.
  • Confirm that the THC content in the oil is 0.3% or less - Anything over that amount for CBD products is illegal by federal government standards. In thinking about how much THC should be in CBD oil, you can only legally purchase CBD that contains 0.3% or less THC. 
  • Be sure you’re carefully reading labels - Steer clear of brands that contain unnatural ingredients and potentially harmful additives. Furthermore, research any ingredients that you aren’t sure about. After becoming comfortable with what a clean product from a reputable brand should have in it, you’ll be able to quickly identify any products from lesser known brands that have sub-par ingredients. 

Summary on Legality and Buying CBD Oil in South Carolina

A woman displaying her 1200mg bottle of FAB CBD full-spectrum CBD oil in mint flavor.

The state of South Carolina is extremely strict when it comes to marijuana. Possession of an ounce or more can lead to expensive fines and prison time. The state, however, does allow for the selling and buying of hemp-based CBD oil that contains 0.3% or less THC. This allows many who reside in South Carolina to have an opportunity to shop for hemp-based CBD oil without worry of legal ramifications.

Recently, buying CBD oil in the state has become a lot easier thanks to the number of brick and mortar locations that have been popping up. But while these CBD stores may be a fast and easy way to buy oil and other CBD products, you won’t have the time you need to research products and brands. This is why it’s easier and better to purchase CBD oil from a reputable brand online. When you shop for CBD oil online, you can be sure that you’re buying a high-quality product that’s clean, potent, and effective. In taking the time to shop for CBD oil online, you’ll be saving time, energy, gas, and money.