Why Dark Glass Matters for CBD Oil Bottles
Thanks to Daylight Savings Time this past Sunday, we’re all enjoying a little more sunlight each and every day. Even though we may love the sun, it’s important for us to keep our CBD oil away from those dazzling rays. In this week’s blog, we’ll talk about how we use dark glass bottles to help protect the integrity of the cannabinoids in our CBD oil. When you purchase CBD oil, you will notice that typically, bottles come in one of three colors: brown (otherwise known as amber), green, and blue. The colors of the bottles are not just selected for looks alone, but to help maintain the integrity and quality of your CBD oil.
When CBD oil is placed in direct light, the oil becomes less effective due to oxidation. This means that you will need to take more of it in order to feel the same effects as a stronger, undamaged oil that comes in a colored glass bottle. CBD oil that’s housed in colored bottles is protected against harmful UV light, and therefore, maintains both its effectiveness as well as its integrity.
If purchasing CBD oil in a clear bottle is unavoidable, first make sure that the product label wraps completely around it, and then make sure that you store your purchase in a cool, dark place where the light cannot get to it.
For example, since CBD does not contain any psychoactive properties, it will work to help minimize any psychoactive effects that come from THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol. When this happens, more of THC’s positive benefits are allowed to flourish. However, keep in mind that legally, all CBD products sold within the United States must contain less than 0.3% THC. Therefore, there’s zero chance of feeling any type of euphoric “high” from full-spectrum CBD oils. Nevertheless, CBD still works to boost up the positive properties of THC regardless of the oil’s THC content. When all of the compounds, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and terpenes work together and are kept intact through protective packaging like brown/amber glass bottles, you will receive more benefits from your oil. When these compounds are exposed to light and are broken down, the fewer benefits and the less effective your oil will be. In short, always strive to purchase high-quality CBD products that are sold in dark colored and opaque bottles.
When it comes to purchasing a CBD product, not only do you want to make sure that you’re buying a high-quality, clean, effective CBD oil, you also should make sure that the packaging is on point. When CBD oils are packaged in opaque and colored glass bottles, you know that the manufacturers are aware of how to preserve the integrity of their product, and that demonstrates a commitment to excellence for you as a customer. One of the many ways that FAB CBD shows its dedication to producing high-quality, full-spectrum CBD oil is through the use of brown glass bottles as well as wrap-around labels. In paying close attention to these important details, FAB CBD's customers are assured that not only are they purchasing a top-notch CBD product, but also that their CBD oil is pure, potent, effective, and safe from the harmful rays of the sun. CBD oil has a multitude of benefits associated with it and can be a great supplement to add into your daily routine, but if the oil is not properly protected by the right packaging, then not only will you be wasting money, you will also be putting a potentially deteriorated and inferior product into your body. Always remember: packaging matters!
Why Clear Bottles Aren’t The Best Option
In humans, the sun’s UV rays, or ultraviolet rays, are extremely destructive to skin cells. Likewise, UV rays can also deteriorate oils, so clear bottles that let the light in are not the best choice of packaging for your CBD. Just as the sun’s rays can harm your skin if you do not wear sunscreen, a clear bottle isn’t able to protect its contents as well as a darker or more opaque bottle that can better block the light.
What About Plastic Bottles?
Plastic bottles are frowned upon in the CBD industry because oils break down plastic over time. As the plastic deteriorates, it contaminates the CBD oil, causing it to become less effective. Nobody wants to ingest deteriorated plastic, nor do they want compromised CBD, so glass bottles are the preferred containers for CBD oil.Does the Color of the Glass Matter?
Typically, darker colored bottles will do better at blocking out all unwanted light. However, if you purchase a product in a bottle that’s lighter in color, you might want to consider storing your oil in a cool, dark place to avoid any light from potentially hitting it. The darker or more opaque the glass color is, the better it will protect the oils from being broken down by light.
What Kind of Light Effects CBD Oils?
When it comes to light, there are two different types. There’s the visible light you can see, and the invisible light, or the ultraviolet light, that is not seen by the naked eye. As stated before, ultraviolet light is extremely harmful to the skin and to the eyes. It’s also harmful to CBD oils. Ultraviolet light breaks down CBD oils that are in clear containers in very much the same way that it damages vulnerable skin cells that aren’t protected by sunscreen. Even though it’s good to house oils in blue, green, or amber glass bottles, amber glass is significantly better than the rest. Esthetically speaking, the other colors may be pleasing to look at, but they do not fully protect oils in the same manner that brown/amber glass bottles do. While blue and green glass is great at protecting oils from visible light, those colors do not block ultraviolet light, and brown glass bottles do!
Maintaining the Integrity of CBD Oil’s Cannabinoids is Important
Full-spectrum CBD oil is packed with many different beneficial compounds including CBD, THC, phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, and aromatic terpenes that each have special functions and properties. Interestingly, an astounding total of 113 different cannabinoid compounds can be extracted from the cannabis plant alone. When these compounds come together, they produce an entourage effect within the body. In the entourage effect, over 80 cannabinoids and over 100 terpenes work together in a synergistic manner to boost the positive effects of some compounds while minimizing the unwanted effects of others. This complete collection of cannabinoids, terpenes, and phytonutrients in full-spectrum oils create an ideal environment where they each can work together in a meaningful way.
Putting it All Together
While bottle color may seem like a purely esthetic choice, the fact of the matter is that the color of the bottle is extremely important for the overall health and protection of the CBD oil. Colored glass bottles are great at keeping out the light, however, opt for brown or amber bottles over blue or green ones. Not only do brown bottles block the visible light, they also block out dangerous ultraviolet rays that can deteriorate and destroy CBD oil. Sadly, blue and green glass bottles are only good for blocking out visible light.