Can I Travel With My CBD?
The warm summer months will soon be upon us. And while some of us will opt to stay home to be close to friends and family, many of us will be getting ready to travel to new and exciting destinations or places near and dear to our hearts.
Part of packing for a trip — whether you’re traveling by car, plane, boat, or train — is also packing any prescription medications or holistic supplements you’ll need during your time away from home. When it comes to taking along your favorite CBD product, it can be confusing as to whether or not you can bring it along with you.
What are the Rules for Traveling with CBD?

Many people who live a natural, wellness-based lifestyle regularly take CBD every day as a means of boosting their sense of wellbeing. So, it should go without saying that when you’re used to a certain routine and have a set supplementation regimen, it’s only natural that you’d want to continue that while you’re on vacation.
Taking CBD along with you can be tricky if you aren’t sure of all the rules and regulations. And when it comes to traveling at home or abroad, you should take some time to learn what the rules and regulations are for traveling with CBD products.
Thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill, CBD products derived from hemp with less than 0.3% THC in them are legally allowed to be taken across state borders and on domestic flights. Even though this might feel like a green light, there is one catch: even though hemp-based CBD is legal at the federal level, there are states that may have their own set of laws and regulations. There are currently very few states that categorically ban the use of hemp-based CBD, and a quick internet search of your destination state’s rules should get you the information you need. This way, you’ll know for sure whether you have the green light to bring along your favorite gummies, cream, salve, or oils!
TSA Guidelines for CBD
According to the TSA, or Transportation Security Administration, CBD oil with less than 0.3% THC are allowed on domestic flights. So as long as you’re under that threshold, you should be fine, as you would be with any over-the-counter supplement. The TSA’s website explains that they are focused on security and safety of passengers, and so they aren’t even specifically searching for marijuana or illegal drugs, but if any illegal substance is discovered during security screening, TSA refers the matter to a law enforcement officer.
Along with researching the laws of the state you’re visiting, it’s also recommended that you print out and carry the lab reports of the specific CBD product that you’re taking along with you just in case verification is needed. FABCBD provides third party lab reports for our products that are easily accessed on our website. So whether it’s for the oil, cream, salve, or chews, you can carry along the appropriate lab reports with you if you want!
What About International Travel?

Okay, so we’ve got driving and domestic flights covered. But what about international flights? What happens then? It appears that international rules and regulations regarding CBD are somewhat murky when it comes to traveling with CBD products.
Experts advise to be cautious when it comes to traveling with your favorite CBD products. Since some countries have extremely strict drug laws, you might be better off leaving all CBD products — including hemp-derived oils — at home. Bringing CBD with you to other countries where it's heavily regulated might not be worth the headache if you’re discovered with it.
Flying with Different Forms of CBD
Can you take CBD oil on an airplane?
Since CBD is federally legal throughout the United States because of the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, you can bring your CBD oil on a plane if you’re taking a domestic flight. You can also take your CBD with you if you are traveling by car, bus, train, or any other type of transportation, however, you may also want to check the laws of the states that you’ll be traveling through as states can have their own separate laws regarding CBD in effect.
Can you bring CBD cream on an airplane?
On domestic flights, you can bring hemp-based CBD products that contain 0.3% or less THC. You still have to follow any TSA rules that apply. Therefore, liquids like oils, tinctures, and creams must be less than three ounces.
Can you bring CBD vapes on a plane?
Interestingly, you can bring a CBD vape pen through airport security in your carry-on luggage. You cannot, however, carry your vape pen in your checked baggage.
Can you bring CBD gummies on a plane?
As long as your hemp-based CBD gummies contain 0.3% or less THC, then you can bring them on a domestic flight with you either in your carry-on luggage or in your checked bags.
Can You Get Arrested for Flying with CBD Oil?
Yes, it's possible you could be arrested if you are traveling with marijuana-derived CBD oil on an airplane. As stated earlier, the TSA website explains that they are not specifically hunting for marijuana-related products, as it's the safety of their passengers that they are most concerned about. However, if marijuana-derived products are found in the course of a search, they will have to enforce federal laws.
Traveling with Hemp-Derived vs. Marijuana-Derived CBD
It's just safer to travel with CBD that is made from hemp. Due to federal laws and the vast differences between state laws, not to mention the regulations laid out by the TSA, it's just easier and less risky to take CBD with you on a trip if it's from a hemp plant rather than a marijuana plant.
Other Ways to Travel With CBD
Bringing CBD along on your cruise can be iffy as well. Sadly, cruise regulations regarding CBD vary greatly from one company to another. While some cruise lines welcome passengers to bring their CBD along, others ban it entirely. The easy fix? Before you book that cruise, take a moment to call the cruise line or visit their website to find out what their regulations are. They should be happy to help clarify this for you, as they ultimately want your business and it’s in their best interest to inform you of their rules and procedures.
As an added backup, if you find regulations in writing saying that you can take CBD along with you, it won’t hurt to print them out and bring them along with you just in case someone states something contrary to you upon boarding. Lastly, all cruise ships are equipped with security scanners, so chances are you will be called out if you’re trying to hide any CBD products in your luggage or on your person. Best to be upfront and prepared!
Some Dos and Don'ts for Traveling with CBD
With any type of travel, there are obviously some dos and don’ts when considering bringing CBD along with you on your trip. Following these guidelines will allow you to be more relaxed and at ease when it comes to traveling or not traveling with CBD.
Research Laws and Regulations for Places You’re Traveling To
Even though it’s legal under federal guidelines to travel with hemp-derived CBD products, you still need to understand the laws and regulations of the state or states you’re traveling to. Begin your research by reading up on both the state you’re leaving and the state you’re going to.
Read the Ingredients of the CBD Product You Intend to Bring
If you happen to be taking a product of lesser quality, even though the label may say “THC-Free,” there still could be some THC within the product, making it illegal in some states. Before you leave your home with any sort of CBD product, print out and read any third-party independent lab reports on the product. These reports will confirm that your product is legal and contains less than 0.3% THC. This way, if you are asked to verify the CBD’s THC content, you will be all set and ready to go. All of FAB CBD’s lab reports through ProVerde Labs are easily accessible, so traveling with your favorite CBD should be a cinch!
Double Check That the CBD Packaging Follows TSA Guidelines
If you’ve recently taken any domestic flights, then you know about the TSA’s requirements for liquids and other substances. Under the TSA guidelines, passengers may bring liquids, gels, aerosols, creams, and pastes that contain less than 3.4 oz of liquid in them in quart-sized bags on any domestic flight.
Passengers should be as transparent as possible and not try to hide any CBD products with other liquids. You will not need to declare any CBD products separately that are legal per the US federal government (those with under .3% THC).
Fun fact: The scent dogs at airports are trained to smell terpenes. And while the dogs usually don’t react to hemp-based CBD oil products due to the small amount of terpenes in them, they will react to whole plant CBD products that are rich in aromatic terpenes.
Avoid Taking CBD Along with You on International Flights
As stated earlier, due to the potentially harsh laws and regulations in other countries, it’s advised to leave any and all CBD products at home. When it comes to traveling internationally with CBD, it’s always best to err on the side of caution.
Final Thoughts on Traveling with the Best CBD Products

It’s normal to want to keep up with your CBD regimen while you travel, so taking the time to do a little research on whether or not you can bring your CBD with you will help cut down on stress and frustration in the long-run.
When taking a simple trip by car, pause a moment to research state regulations of both the state you’re leaving and the state or states you’re going to. Remember, even though hemp-based CBD products are federally legal, they may not be in certain states.
Look up and print out TSA guidelines and then review the laboratory reports of your specific CBD product to make sure it’s compliant under them. When you travel, carry a printout of the independent third-party laboratory reports just in case your CBD needs to be officially reviewed and verified by airport personnel.
If you will be cruising on the high seas, double check rules and regulations with the cruise lines beforehand to see if you’ll be able to take your CBD along with you. Never try to hide your CBD, as you will be scanned upon entering the cruise ship.
Taking along CBD on international flights is cautioned against due to unclear flight laws and regulations. Moreover, possession of CBD or other cannabis products can lead to severe punishment in some countries, so it’s best to just be cautious and leave your CBD at home.
Finally, travel should be fun and exciting. It should never feel burdensome or feel like a hassle. When you spend some time beforehand doing a little research into whether or not you can take your CBD along with you, you’ll end up having a much more relaxing experience in the long-run.